
donderdag 5 januari 2012

Dag en nacht op de Kermis

Bij fotografie kom je het nog wel eens tegen, een foto van dezelfde plek af gemaakt, zowel overdag als 's avonds. Bij de schilderkunst is dat een stuk minder gebruikelijk.  Alberto Valentini heeft zich er aan gewaagd met een bijzonder resultaat tot gevolg:
Alberto  zegt er zelf het volgende van:
Dag en nacht gezichten op 't Carnival te Den Haag

oil on canvas 10 x 45 cm (both)
painted on location - Thurs 29 and Fri 30 Dec 2011

The day scene was the last painting made in this series. Finally the sky has opened up, and as usual the whole scene brightens up. It is winter, thus the bare trees. This carnival took place in an urban center, hinted at, are the rows of houses on the left. Again, I have taken great care in painting a carrusel that is in operation, thus the swinging stools with mostly children seated on them.

The night scene......The mystery deepens, as the atmosphere darkens, the lights glow, like stars in a clear night. A painters paradise, such scenery! You wouldn't know this but the weather was anything but welcoming that evening! Had to set up under the protection of a overhanging roof, the entrance to the Carnival's cafe. Now and then the rain paused, just long enough to get that carrusel spinning with ecstatic children, having the time of their life's.

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